Born in the vibrant city of Buenos Aires in 1985, I embarked on a lifelong journey into the world of music. With a rich educational background from renowned institutions such as the Buenos Aires School of Music, the National Academy of Tango, and the National University of Arts, I attained 3 degrees, the highest of which was my Masters in Music Composition.

As a performer, I went through rock, blues, jazz and South American music, but where I delved the most was in Argentine Tango. I played solo, in duets, trios, quintets and even orchestras. I performed in more than 50 cities in Argentina, Europe, USA and Oceania, and I even obtained recognitions from the Ministry of Culture of Argentina on two occasions.

As a composer, I write music on demand for various formats. I seek to evoke stories within an academic language, flavored by influences from around the world. My works were played by renowned performers, ensembles and orchestras in Argentina, Spain, Belgium, Austria and France. Since 2019, I have been part of the prestigious Argentinian Composers Association. In addition, in 2020 I was awarded by the AAC and the FAA for my work “Suite Libertadora” for symphonic band.

Teaching is also my passion. I have been doing it for almost 20 years, both privately and for institutions. Technology is my great ally since it allows me to carry out all my activities no matter where I am. I have students all over the world, I participate in projects carried out in other countries and I was even a professor of Orchestration at the National University of the Arts in Argentina while living in Belgium.

I consider myself lucky: I do what I love, I love what I do.
Thank you for visiting my website! I hope you enjoy my music as much as I do.


Let's make music!​

Private lessons​

Worldwide online lessons: Tango Guitar, Composition, Arrangements, Harmony, Theory and more.


Music composition for all kinds of projects. Arrangements and adaptations to many styles and instrumentations.


Live shows performances (public or private), studio recordings, and other kind of projects.


Interested in commissioning a piece, organizing a show, or taking private lessons? I’d love to hear from you! Reach out and tell me more about what you have in mind.

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